Has Bad Health Made You Lose Time, Money, or Productivity?

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CHAPTER PREVIEW (Raw and unfiltered)


  • Worry

 As humans, we worry about every possible experience that can happen to us. As such, we slow down our kinetics with the mindset that something could go wrong. This level of worry affects us in our workplaces because we are afraid to stretch our creativity.

  • Lack of self-confidence and enthusiasm

Many people are aware that something or a particular plan will work. However, they are not confident enough to deploy all available energy to execute the plan. Such reduced actions dampen enthusiasm and performance.

  • A feeling of exclusion in a workplace

We live in a culture where successful people, including business executives, conceal vital information from the average worker because of a possible fear that the employee might become too knowledgeable and then leave the company. Other persons in a workplace already feel excluded in their workplace. Hence, they are unsure of the next step to take because that step can result in their termination in the workplace. This feeling or emotions breeds lowered productivity, poor health, and inadequate result.

  • Time-wasting

Time is the most precious non-renewable resource that can produce anything we desire. This statement means that the ability to do a lot of work in a short time will result in success. For example, the surfing of emails all day results in lowered productivity. Such action creates a form of stress and mental tension. Also, inefficient group meetings are a time-waster in organizations. The strain that comes from inefficient tasks is harmful to human health.

  • Over-booked schedules

In an attempt to do so much within a short time, we often do less and become inefficient. For example, a one-hour quality meeting with a valuable client can produce better outcomes than a 30 minute-meeting with two different less valuable clients. Hence, there is a need to balance existing tasks with existing time in an efficient mix strategy.

  • Circling in the same group of people or same task for a long time

Humans tend to get familiar and comfortable with repetitive tasks. Hence, most people fail to draw consistent inspiration from that group. For example, some people enjoy the company of specific people in a workplace. While such a comfort zone brings mental re-assurance, there is a yet untapped health potential found in circling among new groups. The new ideas and inspiration from such action will result in better health and productivity.

  • Inefficient use of office space for deep work productivity

We live in a culture where ergonometric play a significant role in the health status of employees. The concept of ergonomics implies that the employee's workplace is configured to suit his or her life pattern. For example, if the employee is tall, there might be a need for an adjustable work table that can extend to the employee's height. This simple strategy will prevent employee burnout and also enhance the health of the employee.

.......... "Details are in the book"


 ...... "Details are in the book"


Even though it's a book about health strategies...you won’t believe what happens next.

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